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Convergent vs. Divergent Thinking. Featured; Begin. MEREDITH MEYER- "AIN'T IT DIVINE" MEREDITH MEYER- "VIDEO GAME GIRL" MEREDITH MEYER- "BELIEVE" Featured; End. The Empathic Civilisation. Disconnecting Us. Nova ScienceNOW Foldit and EteRNA. UPDATE - The World in 50 Years - E2 - Our Cities. The Last Star in the Universe – Red Dwarfs Explained. MIT Technology Review. Society Debate Topics. The 20 big questions in science.

1 What is the universe made of?

The 20 big questions in science

Astronomers face an embarrassing conundrum: they don't know what 95% of the universe is made of. Atoms, which form everything we see around us, only account for a measly 5%. Over the past 80 years it has become clear that the substantial remainder is comprised of two shadowy entities – dark matter and dark energy. Honey Care Africa - Strengthening communities, one hive at a time. Pearltrees Hack. See also: ☆ Pearltrees Radically Redesigns Its Online Curation Service [article]: Pearltrees changed things and the mind map type layout no longer appears.

Pearltrees Hack

This is a hack that needs pearltrees to be visible (open in another tab, or window) to work. The map shows the structure of pearltrees, and can be used for navigation, and adding additional content. The nature of mind-maps is that they should be kept simple, and thus the above picture is complex—but it is like a well-traveled backbone for pearltrees. The standard mind-maps (that could have picture as well) are probably closer to the ideas of keeping the details simple are listed below.

Electrical Power from Water Vapor Fuel.


Civil Unrest. Poems, Haiku, Senryu & Tanka. Media and Entertainment. Vocalekt Visions. Second Life. Events. Education. Leisure & Sport. Survival Tasks. Quick Transit Map. Information. News and Information. Information, media, businesses & People Of Interest. Ending Violence and Abuse. Open & Free Society. Interesting articles, Sites, & information. IrfanView - Official Homepage - one of the most popular viewers worldwide. Boyce Avenue. Dashboard Everything. Do we live in a perfect world? Nothing intersting here, no information. Animusic. iPod Magician - Marco Tempest. Contact points for Gharr. Personal. Quick Transit Map.

Media and Entertainment

Countries & places of Interest. HOME (FR) Aaron. Patrice Lamothe (pearltrees) Actualités. News. Actualité à la Une. Worldometers. Prévisions météo de Météo-France - Accueil. English to French Translation. Babylon's Free Online Translation If it is an online English to French translator you need, you have just found the best English to French translator around, and it is free!

English to French Translation

Babylon, the world's leading provider of language solutions, puts at your disposal an automatic translator for instant English to French translation of single words and phrases. Yncnathan. EDUCATION.

Pearltree Team Members

OWstarr. Hmmm they have those here?