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Une France convivialiste dans dix ans ? À quoi ressemblerait-elle ? Premières esquisses - Université Paris Diderot.

Objecter la croissance

Les théoriciens. Pratiquer la décroissance. Does the Gift Economy Undermine Economic Growth? Excerpted from Charles Eisenstein: “Why don’t we need each other? It is be­cause all the gift re­la­tion­ships upon which we once de­pended are now paid ser­vices. They have been con­verted into ser­vice work which the mar­ket con­verts into cash. What is there left to con­vert? From this per­spec­tive, a third con­se­quence of the gift cir­cle and other forms of gift econ­omy be­comes ap­par­ent.

The same tran­si­tion to the gift is un­der­way in the so­cial realm. Whether nat­ural or so­cial, the recla­ma­tion of the gift-based com­mon­wealth not only has­tens the col­lapse of a growth-de­pen­dent money sys­tem, it also mit­i­gates its sever­ity. On a less tan­gi­ble level, any gifts we give con­tribute to an­other kind of com­mon wealth – a reser­voir of grat­i­tude that will see us through times of tur­moil, when the con­ven­tions and sto­ries that hold civic so­ci­ety to­gether fall apart.

L'appauvrissement volontaire. Rethinking Economic Growth. Written by David A. Jones (Guest Author) on . I recently read Manfred Max-Neef and Philip B. Smith’s book Economics Unmasked. Its first half is an interesting critique on economic orthodoxy, its second is packed with ideas for positive social changes. I want to discuss Max-Neef’s “Threshold Hypothesis” here, but first I need to talk about economic indicators in general and more specifically GDP. By recording monetary transactions, economists can keep track of that total market value.

In my somewhat mischievous example, digging a hole added to GDP. So GDP as an economic “indicator” does not really indicate anything much. Economists working outside the mainstream realised all this years ago and developed alternative metrics, attempting to put a number on “economic health”, first called ISEW (standing for “Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare”) and later updated to GPI (standing for “Genuine Progress Indicator”). Idées anti-autoritaires pour l'adaptation à la décroissance. Il faut un triptyque économique ! Revenu de vie, sobriété et efficacité économique. L’économie est un des piliers du développement durable. Aujourd’hui, les crises financières et économique à répétition ont des conséquences dramatiques sur les 2 autres piliers. Le contexte social devient particulièrement difficile. Pourtant, le travail ne manque pas. Ce qui manque, ce sont des emplois. Notre modèle économique basé sur la croissance n’est pas sans conséquence non plus sur le changement climatique.

Pourtant, là aussi, les alternatives ne manquent pas. Ce qui manque, ce sont les moyens de les mettre en œuvre. Le social et l’écologie sont étouffés par notre modèle économique. Revenu de vie Le dividende universel, connu aussi sous d’autres appellations comme revenu de vie, revenu d’existence, revenu citoyen, revenu universel, revenu social garanti, revenu de base, allocation universelle… a une similitude intéressante avec les énergies renouvelables.

Le vent, le soleil ou l’eau sont des flux. Sobriété économique Nous jetons l’argent par la fenêtre ! Efficacité économique. Today's flourishing enterprises should focus on wellbeing rather than growth | Guardian Sustainable Business. We need businesses that focus on delivering wellbeing, rather than maximising growth. Photograph: AGB Photo Library/REX FEATURES When I run sessions with business executives on growth, wellbeing, and innovation, I say that people don't have to buy my analysis of the problem to buy my ideas on the solution. That's because I think we are now living in an era of "uneconomic growth" and we therefore have no choice but to redefine prosperity as being about wellbeing not growth. But even if, despite all the evidence, growth is still possible or likely, surely it makes sense for our economy to move on to defining prosperity not as more "stuff" and money but more wellbeing?

If you disagree with that idea, you won't like what follows, but I hope you will read on. Why do I talk about "beyond-growth" economics? Here in a short video I give a précis of what I normally take an hour to explain. So what's the growth for? The increase in the scale of this consumerist economy is relentless.
