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Using Pearltrees To Prep For BlogHer 2010. Summer is finally here and it is getting close to my favorite conference of the year (other then the Consumer Electronics Show): BlogHer .

Using Pearltrees To Prep For BlogHer 2010

This year is "BlogHer10" and it will be held Friday/Saturday August 6/7. BlogHer conferences give me the opportunity to connect "live" with a wide range of interesting and amazing bloggers that I read about online. I used Pearltrees to starting gathering information for the presentation: 1. Jennyalice. Mom Bloggers Group 1. Xiaolinmama. Michelle Kraus: Billionaire Boys: The Story of Larry and Mark.

Boys will be boys even in Silicon Valley.

Michelle Kraus: Billionaire Boys: The Story of Larry and Mark

Wall Street does not have a monopoly on arrogance or audacious wealth. Just watch all of the hoopla about one, white male software executive - the now illustrious Mark Hurd. Gone are the days of his strong, silent and often stoic demeanor that was so compelling to the fuddy-duddy folks at HP. Rescued at the eleventh hour --by none other than bad boy gunslinger, Larry Ellison of the giant software company Oracle. Alas, Hurd appears to be on track to join Silicon Valley's billionaire boys club.